: SaffronOlive - 12 Shadow SaffronOlive - Non-Budget 12 Shadow : SaffronOlive - Izzet Balmor Spellslinger SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Izzet Balmor : SaffronOlive - $22 Burn SaffronOlive - Upgraded $22 Burn : SaffronOlive - Rundvelt Whack SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget Rundvelt Whack : SaffronOlive - Mono-U $#%**&^$ SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Mono-U $#%**&^$ SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget Mono-U $#%**&^$ : SaffronOlive - Mono-White Tokens SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget Mono-White Tokens : SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Naya Soldiers SaffronOlive - Soldiers SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget Soldiers : SaffronOlive - Arena Budget The World Spell SaffronOlive - The World Spell : SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Mono-Green Stompy SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget Mono-Green Stompy p00pinMyFacex3 - Mono-Green Stompy : SaffronOlive - Mono-Red Powerstones SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Mono-Red Powerstones SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget Powerstones : SaffronOlive - $35 Mono-White Soldiers SaffronOlive - Arena Budget Mono-White : SaffronOlive - Draw Two Dimir SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Dimir Draw 2 : SaffronOlive - Combo Zombies SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Orzhov Combo Zombies SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget Zombies (Modern) : SaffronOlive - Mono-Black Persist Combo SaffronOlive - Orzhov Persist Combo : SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Esper Proliferate Control SaffronOlive - UB Poison Proliferate Control : SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Solphim Burn SaffronOlive - Solphim Burn SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget Solphim Burn : SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Black Burn SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget Black Burn blibbits - Black Burn : SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Elfball (2023) SaffronOlive - Standard Elfball : SaffronOlive - Non-Budget WB Tokens SaffronOlive - Ultra-Budget WB Tokens SaffronOlive - WB Tokens : SaffronOlive - Budget Dino Whack aspiringspike - Kuldotha Aggro : SaffronOlive - Hardened Scales, but in Standard SaffronOlive - Non-Budget Scales SaffronOlive - Ultra Budget Standard Scales The currently forgeable decks (version 1.6.56) from Budget Magic are: Place the decks in budgetmagic.zip directly into the /res/decks/constructed/ folder. Further posts will contain decks that are added in each column or each update of forge. This first post will have a complete list of the decks and an attachment with all of the decks.