For instance, the Stoker Stable's Nest Slot has metal plates above magma instead of hay. A Nest Slot is where you assign your dragon to a slot, it has a more nest-like appearance, the floor is covered with hay and/or includes a decoration based on where they are.How to distinguish the difference between a Nest Slot and an Active Slot? It's quite easy:

It is very easy to confuse these two types of slots due to the game never explaining the differences between them, especially in the Starter Stable - Is it true that the Starter Stable have 3 Slots? No, the Starter Stable only has TWO. Although the player cannot interact with the dragon if has not been assigned in a slot, it will not disappear - the game will always remind the player whenever they enter the Stable. Stables contain Slots which are the only way to allow the player to keep a dragon active if the former receives one or hatches one. However, as they progress throughout the game, players will be able to buy more Stables to house more dragons. Players might need a second stable if they bought a Viking and starter it with Trial Membership due to Toothless and the Light Fury.

The player starts off with two slots, enough for the Primary starter and Secondary starter dragon.